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She sleeps so still
And breathes so soft
Yet I watch her still
As she dreams of things untold

Will it be of her toys
All around the cot
Playing the parts of Kings
In imaginary fairy tales ?

Will she think of me
And the love I give
For the care she needs
As she crawls through her days ?

All the love in the world
Is laid on her
And she'll know no harm
For she is my life and my love

She sleeps so still
But if she awakes
Or calls out for me
I'll always be there, right by her side

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This page is maintained by Justin Fletcher (gerph@gerph.org).
Last modified on 19 January, 2013.
This site is copyright . The accuracy of anything on this site is entirely limited by his belief system and memory at the time of publication - neither of which should be relied on. The opinions are entirely his, except where he's changed his mind. Quotations are copyright their respective authors and whereever possible attributions have been included.